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Delete all duplicate lines

Code: ^(.*)(\r?\n\1)+$ -> Replace with \1 Replace with ` ` (nothing) in order to remove every singe line that ever had more than one copy, rather than removing the copy

Delete all lines with XYZ string

Code: .*XYZ.*\r?\n -> Replace with empty string

Replace new lines with X

Can replace new lines with , to make a python list, for example.

Code: [\r\n]+ -> replace with X

Remove lines ending with XYZ

Code: [^%]*XYZ -> Replace with empty string

This will leave a lot of empty lines.

Remove empty lines

Code: ^(?:[\t ]*(?:\r?\n|\r))+ -> replace with nothing

Surround each line with characters X and Y

Code: ^(.*)$ -> Replace: X\1Y

For example:

Delete first and last characters of each line

Delete first character

Code: ^.?(.*) -> Replace: \1

Delete last character

Code: .{1}$ -> Replace: ` ` (nothing)

Delete everything after X

Code: X.* -> Replace: ` ` (nothing)

Insert at the start of each of line

Code: ^(.*) -> Replace: {text}\1

Insert at the end of each line

Code: (.*)$ -> Replace: \1{text}


Capture everything within “{number} [word1 word2 word3, etc] “

\d \[.+\]

Capture verbs that end in a single l


.*[aeiou]ling\n – Gerund or Present Participle

.*[aeiou]led\n – Simple Past tense


.*[aeiou]ling\r\n – Gerund or Present Participle

.*[aeiou]led\r\n – Simple Past tense